Workflow Management

Automate Your Internal Business Operations

  • Welcome seamless automated workflows into your life with FSM Lite’s workflow rules engine. 

  • Utilize your resources and time to achieve your business goals.

Workflow Management - Automate Your Internal Business Operations


Labor-Intensive Work Processes

  • Automate all sorts of everyday business processes with workflow automation software.
  • Automate these processes based on preset conditions. When you meet these conditions, our workflow automation software will trigger the workflow, and your team will be able to perform their everyday tasks quickly. 
  • FSM Lite’s workflow management software allows you to easily configure customized workflows and get activated. 
Automate Labor-Intensive Work Processes
Fsm Lite Workflow Designer

Workflow Designer

Build your own  workflow

  • Workflow Designer is a visual design tool that you can use to present your work processes in a single design environment. 
  • FSM Lite’s workflow software allows you to automate everyday tasks, approvals, notifications, and more with a simple, hassle-free design. 
  • Save your time, resources, and money while improving the efficiency of your employees with our workflow management software.


Approval Process

  • Approval processes involve certain conditions or steps that you need to move past to officially receive approval from various levels of your organization. 
  • Configure the levels of approval and set benchmarks with our workflow management software. 
  • FSM Lite Approval Processes ensure that administrators can configure all sorts of multi-tiered approval processes for a vast collection of modules. This way, you can ensure optimal functionality and time savings within your organization. 
  • Automate your everyday business operations with customizable workflows and approval processes with us. 
Preset Approval Process

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